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Информация о группе
Hoven Droven's music is a unique and powerful blend of traditional folk and fierce hard rock, where violin and electric guitar duel for the audience's attention. A diverse background created by sax, drums, percussion and bass complements this combination. Keywords: power, finesse and playful virtuosity.

The band's name is a slang phrase which means "whatever" (at least in their home province of Jämtland in northern Sweden). In their case, it could just as well mean; "things will take care of themselves." Despite sometimes chaotic organizational methods, none of them are able to explain how they have managed to perform on almost every major Swedish television and radio program and in North America. Looking at their individual schedules, it's a wonder that the band can get together to play at all.

Their first Swedish album Hia Hia was released in 1994, recorded at Peak Studios with engineer/producer Erik Benholm. Early in 1996 they got together again to record Grov. Selections from both of these releases are included on NorthSide's 70+ minute compilation titled Groove - their first North American record release and one of NorthSide's first releases.

Summer 1999 saw the band at the Winnipeg Folk Festival, where they had 8000 people on their feet, hands raised high above their heads, doing an ancient Swedish mosquito-killing dance. On their return home to Östersund, they began recording their next album.

More Happy Moments with Hoven Droven marks a number of departures for the band. Trumpet player Gustav Hylén left the band to spend more time with his family and set up Home Studios in Revsund, where the disc was made. (You can see a "home movie' from the recording sessions on the NorthSide enhanced CD). Janne Strömstedt's organ work now underpins the band's sound, making it heavier and more elegant all at the same time. For this release also, the band decided to work with vocalists. On three tracks they are joined by the lovely female voices of Ulrika Bodén and Sofia Sandén (from Rosenberg 7). Swedish music legend Stefan Sundström can be heard with the band on two of the MP3 tracks that are included on the enhanced CD.

The closest English translation for "Hoven Droven" is "helter skelter" or "whatever." Hoven Droven breathes new life into old Swedish tunes, while lovingly preserving the tradition at the same time. Hoven Droven's commitment to brain tickling arrangements and head-banging grooves is infectious, and they routinely rock your socks off.

   * Björn Höglund (drums and percussion) worships Peter Criss, drummer of KISS, and has been playing drums since he was three years old.
   * Guitarist Bo Lindberg claims he is a star in Japan with his former avant-rock band Myrbein. If the truth be known, he's a music teacher who's been in almost every band to come out of Östersund in the past 10 years.
   * Saxophonist Jens Comén is often seen in rock-pop-jazz-big band-punk bands around town displaying his natural gifts (with his instrument).
   * Pedro Blom is the band's bassist, and plays in other roots music groups. Otherwise, he's a big fan of AC/DC and Mötorhead.
   * Hoven Droven's violin-playing front man is Kjell-Erik Eriksson. His original interest in Swedish folk music has taken on a stronger bite and higher volume with Hoven Droven. He also plays traditional acoustic music in the band Triakel.

1994  Hia Hia Xource/MNW (Sweden) XOUCD 110
1996 Grov Xource/MNW (Sweden) XOUCD 114
1997 Groove compilation of "Hia Hia" and "Grov," NorthSide NSD 6002
1999 More Happy Moments with... Home (Sweden) 013, NorthSide (U.S.) NSD 6043
2001 hippa Home (Sweden) 020, NorthSide (U.S.) NSD 6062


Фолк + хард-рок + джаз

см. http://www.myspace.com/hovendroven

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Слышал только два альбома - Hia Hia и Hippa. Оба - традиционно качественный шведский фолк-рок (ну, и Кьялль-Эрик Эрикссон в плохих не участвует... он же, помимо, сабжа и Триакеля, кажется, и в Гармарне засветился), причем с преобладанием все же фолка - если судить по двум альбомам, которые есть у меня. Причем залюбил их больше не за фолковые эксперименты с элементами джаза, а за хардово-безумные шедевры с солирующим дуэтом скрипки и саксофона - Brekken, Köttpolska. Слушается, конечно, под настроение. И музыка на любителя - для тех, кому нравится северно-снежный задор, медленно перетекающий в меланхолические наигрыши. Удивился, что до сих пор нет темы. Кому надо - могу залить два альбома.

Не, ну гацпада уипане, я с вас поражаюс... Тему про жареные куи - и ту сумели обезобразить (с) squid

Автору сообщения: ща буду злиться, вы подразделы игнорируете, да?
834 | Дата рег-ции 23 Ноября, 2004 | Отправлено: 15:28 - 21 Окт., 2007 | Исправлено: dr freeman - 22 Окт., 2007 (0:28) 1

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Есть уже, кажется, все альбомы, кроме последнего живого. Постараюсь его любыми средствами достать, наверное, на нортсайде закажу, как с деньгами разгребусь. Потому что группа сейчас восторгает просто неимоверно! Впечатления распирают просто! Ребят, всем очень и очень советую - таких инструменталистов днем с огнем можно найти ;) Чтобы с "такой" душой, с драйвом, позитивом, с воплями на заднем плане и так далее =)))

Не, ну гацпада уипане, я с вас поражаюс... Тему про жареные куи - и ту сумели обезобразить (с) squid

834 | Дата рег-ции 23 Ноября, 2004 | Отправлено: 0:35 - 30 Окт., 2008 2

Форум: Folk & Folk-Rock & Authentic Folklore, Тема: Hoven Droven

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