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Тема: Thread (https://www.metalland.net/cgi-bin/board/topic.cgi?forum=50&topic=158)

-- Сообщение от Down In The Dark. Дата: 19:53 - 22 Апр., 2007

Как был удивлен гитарист ныне несуществующей сиэттлской команды Thread, когда случайно узнал, что песни с их первого демо - "Distance Aside", "The Fool", "Aviary Garlands", "What We Are" и "Look at Me" - стали известны и распространяются в качестве песен Alice In Chains, под названиями соответственно "Distance Aside", "Foolish", "Blue", "We've Come" и "Look" в составе бутлега "Tasty White Powder" (другие названия бутлега: "1989 Demo Tape" и "Alice in Chains: Unchained Rarities").

I'm Scott and I was the co-founder and guitarist of Thread. We played the local Seattle music scene from 1993-1996. We reached a medium level of local popularity playing regular live shows around Seattle. We released a 5 song demo tape in 1993 and eventually 2 full length albums over the following two years.
Early on we were big fans of Alice in Chains and our songs showed it, especially our first demo tape. We threw together the recordings for that tape using my 4-track and quite a lot of borrowed gear. It featured 5 songs from our live set called Distance Aside, The Fool, Aviary Garlands, What We Are and Look at Me. We used to dub copies of the tape ourselves and sell them at our shows for $5.
You can imagine my surprise when I learned that for about the last 10 years our 5 songs from that tape have been sold and traded as early Alice In Chains recordings.
In March 2006 I received an email from John, who runs a long running Alice In Chains site, informing me of this misattribution. I did some web searches and was amazed to find just how far our little songs had traveled. It was surreal to find my guitar parts transcribed, our lyrics posted (albeit not accurately) and discussion board debates about whether the tunes are actually Alice or not.
It's flattering to know that our songs have been mistaken for a band like Alice in Chains, but I also feel that credit should be given where it's due. So to help set the record straight, I created this site.

Несмотря на отвратное качество записи, в этих песнях можно услышать красивые мелодии, смесь грязного саунда с чистым акустическим звуком. Манера вокала очень похожа на Стейли. Вообще очень достойный материал, рекомендую к прослушиванию всем поклонникам творчества Alice In Chains - хоть и есть схожесть с их знаменитыми соотечественниками, но тем не менее звучит оригинально и интересно.

Вот еще мнение одного человека, автора проекта Seattle Bands:
"Heavy Goth with a great rhythm. I really like their show. The lyrics were impossible to understand, but I don't care - the music is great."
Не знаю правда, что он там имел в виду под Heavy Goth :gigi:

У меня пока есть только демо, очень хотелось бы достать альбомы - если кто-то поможет их найти, буду безмерно благодарна.

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