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NoMeansNo is a punk rock music group originally from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and now located in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The band has never had, nor have they seemed to pursue, strong mainstream success, but they do have a devoted underground following in North America and Europe. They tour fairly often on both continents and maintain a dedicated fan base.


The band was formed in 1979 by brothers Rob Wright (bass guitar and vocals) and John Wright (drums, keyboards and vocals). Their name derives from an anti-date rape slogan. For their first four years the duo's music would seem to be influenced as much by jazz and progressive rock as punk rock. The musical press described their earliest recordings as "Devo on a jazz trip, Motörhead after art school, or Wire on psychotic steroids."NoMeansNo have been credited with being an influence on, and perhaps even the genesis of, math rock.

The brothers Wright began recording as a two-piece in their parents' basement in 1979. These recordings, heard on their first two self-released 7"s, consisted of full rock band arrangements and had a new wave, warped-pop sound, different from subsequent recordings. When, in the early 1980s, the duo began gigging simply with bass, drums and vocals, the present form of their distinct sound slowly took shape. The songs they played in this period are documented on the Mama LP (re-released in 2004 on their own Wrong Records.)

In 1983, they added Andy Kerr (who played with John Wright in Infamous Scientists) on guitar and vocals. Kerr preferred pseudonymity and used such pseudonyms as "Buttercup" or "None-Of-Your-Fucking-Business". He brought a distinct hardcore punk edge to the group, and stayed until 1992. He is often erroneously credited for penning the lyrics of Nomeansno songs on which he sang, perhaps due to deliberately vague liner notes and frequent vocal moonlighting (Kerr sings lead or co-lead vocals on nearly half the songs on Wrong for example). Kerr's vocals were a necessity for a period of time in the 1980s when Rob Wright was recovering from nodules on his vocal cords. While Rob Wright is the band's lyricist and main songwriter, all members have contributed songs to NoMeansNo records, and nearly all their material is credited to the entire band.

Wrong is widely considered the band's best and most representative record ("The playing is incredibly skilled, with the Wright brothers effortlessly shifting tempos and time signatures and Kerr's razor sharp lyrics clicking right into place.").

After Kerr's departure, the Wright brothers recorded Why Do They Call Me Mr. Happy? as a duo. They subsequently recruited guitarist Tom Holliston from Showbusiness Giants and The Hanson Brothers, and have continued touring and releasing records, including Worldhood of the World (as such), Dance of the Headless Bourgeoisie, One, and most recently, All Roads Lead to Ausfahrt which was released on August 22, 2006. The album was released by AntAcidAudio in the United States and Southern Records in Europe.

The album One, released in 2000, featured "two stunning covers that only make sense coming from NoMeansNo": a slow stoner rock-styled version of The Ramones' Beat on the Brat, and rather authentic fifteen-minute version of Miles Davis' Bitches Brew, (complete with electric piano and congas) featuring lyrics by Rob.

NoMeansNo initially released records with seminal punk rock record label Alternative Tentacles. This relationship ended in 2002. The band has since been reissuing old albums through Southern Records under their own Wrong Records imprint.

In June 2009, the band announced via their official website plans to begin recording another studio album in the fall of 2009.


Even their earliest recordings demonstrate impressive instrumental technique ("some of the most complex instrumentation you're ever likely to find in punk rock"[4]). Jazz has been an influence on the group; Rob's basslines have a loping, melodic quality often reminiscent of Charles Mingus, and John's drumming sometimes sounds a bit like Elvin Jones or Art Blakey. John's drumming style has been mentioned as an influence to others, including Dave Grohl

NoMeansNo's output features a seemingly endless flow of "Wright/wrong/right" puns, and significant measures of black humour, with "pointedly warped lyrics", such as on "Dad" from Sex Mad. The song was a minor college radio hit, and has been called "a bit chilling, even though it's spit out at slam-pit's pace". The first person narrator details a rampaging father's physical and sexual abuse, ending with what's been called a "killer end touch—the badly delivered line 'I'm seriously considering leaving home.'". One critic (while noting the group's "savage intelligence") suggests that NoMeansNo might well be "the secret influence on a fair amount of both early-'90s math rock and emo, what with the barely controlled fervour of the singing and the sudden jerks back and forth in the rhythm section."

Equally striking about the band's back catalogue is their ability to jump from style to style and still maintain their musical identity. They leap from dirge to thrash, complication to simplicity, discordant to melodic and still sound like themselves.

Side projects

NoMeansNo's alter ego is The Hanson Brothers, a quartet with John singing and (currently) Mike Branum from The Freak Accident playing drums. Nearly a Ramones tribute band, the Hanson Brothers play fun punk rock as a mock group of backward Canadian ice hockey fans. The lyrics centre on ice hockey, beer and girls. The name comes from characters in the 1977 George Roy Hill film Slap Shot, starring Paul Newman.

Rob Wright's alter ego is Mr. Wrong, who dresses as an authoritarian priest and often poses with a shotgun. Mr. Wrong is simply Wright on bass and vocals with no other instrumentation.

Tom Holliston released several albums with his band Showbusiness Giants as well as three solo albums.

Andy Kerr and John Wright played in the early 1980s in the Infamous Scientists. Kerr, after leaving NoMeansNo, released a solo CD and collaborated with Victoria musician formerly of Shovelhed, Scott Henderson in Hissanol. Kerr most recently has begun a duo called Two Pin Din in Holland.


Rob Wright – bass, vocals, guitar (1979–present)
John Wright – drums, vocals, keyboards (1979–present)
Tom Holliston – guitar, vocals (1993–present)

Former members

Andy Kerr – guitar, vocals, some bass (1983–1992)
Ken Kempster – additional drums (1993–1997)


Studio LPs

1982 - Mama (reissued in 2004 with extra tracks)
1986 - Sex Mad
1988 - Small Parts Isolated and Destroyed
1989 - Wrong (reissued in 2005 with extra tracks)
1991 - The Sky Is Falling and I Want My Mommy (with Jello Biafra)
1991 - 0 + 2 = 1
1993 - Why Do They Call Me Mr. Happy?
1994 - Mr. Right & Mr. Wrong / One Down & Two to Go
1995 - The Worldhood of the World (As Such)
1998 - Dance of the Headless Bourgeoisie (reissued in 2005 with extra tracks)
2000 - One
2006 - All Roads Lead to Ausfahrt


1981 - Betrayal, Fear, Anger, Hatred
1985 - You Kill Me
1988 - The Day Everything Became Nothing
1990 - The Power of Positive Thinking
1996 - Would We Be Alive?
1997 - In the Fishtank Volume 1
2001 - Generic Shame




Punk rock, Math rock, Punk jazz



Официальный сайт: http://www.nomeanswhatever.com/

Android Pinguinoid

Аццкий Пингвин-флудераст
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Сегодня слушал 1989 год - Wrong. прикольная пластинка и по тому времени, да и на сегодня. изворотливый джаз-панк/прог-хардкор. никакой психо-истеричности, ребята скорее прикалываюцца (см. Cardiacs).

хорошей презентацией их возвышенных талантов может послужить живое исполнение композиции "Большой Х*й":

ну а для для особо тонких ценителей-эстетов в качестве бонуса шикарная композиция "Я - Долбо*б":

а вот что ребята вдвоем вытворяли в молодости, в начале 80-ых:

"Гланвое крепког оздоровья и отличног онатсроения!) "(с) blackBDOBA
"Зенит никогда не будет чемпионом" (с) В. Петржела

4484 | Дата рег-ции 24 Дек., 2003 | Отправлено: 4:28 - 13 Сент., 2009 1

Аццкий металлер
Фото | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Альбом Wrong (1989)
охренительная группа
с выдающейсч энергетикой
и невероятной оригинальностью
вокалисту - надо памятник поставить, в прочем также как и бассисту и драммеру и гитаристу

Альбомы 0+2=1, Why do they call me mr happy - тоже превосходны

Всем кто любит Primus, funk (как жанр), Mr Bungle и другое творчество Паттона, Rage Against the machine и т д

нойз, космос, кислота и жжЫрный сладжжж...

1431 | Дата рег-ции 18 Сент., 2008 | Отправлено: 13:57 - 11 Июля, 2016 2

Форум: Math-Core/Avant-Core/Prog-Hardcore/Prog-Punk, Тема: NoMeansNo

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