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Группа Supposirory

Информация о группе
Way back in 1992, two bad ass hustlers from da street met each other during a gig. A band had cancelled and they decided to make some spontaneous noise, making the people present run home to mama. The people who stayed couldn't get enough, so Max & Rut decided to go on and Suppository was born. During the following years lots of people came and lots creamed their pants and left. With the first steady line-up they recorded their first demo in '94 called "Syphilis". The line up back then was: Max - guitar, Rutger - drums & vocals, Erik - Bass & vocals. After hearing their demo, Erik decided he rather helped unfortunate animals and decided to become a vet. Last thing we heard is that he got stuck with his arm in a horse's ass. With his other arm he started Badger records. Anyway, they met Rene at a bikerclub from which he just got kicked out of. He joined the band to improve his image. (at least he hoped so). As a former R&B band reject, Boris got strung out on alcohol and some illegal substances and woke up in the gutter of Compton one fine day. And to prove Suppository isn't so bad as they look, they asked this homeless bum to do some vocals in the band. In '96 this resulted in their second demo named "Project 13". Line up now was: Rene - guitar, Max - bass, Boris - vocals, Rutger - drums. After a split 7" with Rakitis (swe) Rene disappeared from the face of the earth. Some heard he got abducted by extra terrestrial beings, other claim he's being held in singsing prison for exposing his little hoho to some people he'd met. Old comic book hero Matty helped the band out to release a split CD with Agathocles, but he also couldn't stand the pressure of being a real getto pimp, so he ran and started Emeth. But behold, Ramones ( a former bible salesman) showed up to be the next bastard in line. With him the split 12" with Mindflair was recorded. All in tradition to the bands values, he left to live the rest of his live under water as a scuba diver. In a retard center nearby, they discovered Mark. They helped mark escape and he promised to help em out on guitar. After a while they couldn't stand the bad smell he had coming from his mouth, so they returned him to the retard center. He started the band Fubar with some other mental loonies. Walking back from the retard center to the car Max almost got hit by a bus, but was saved in the nick of time by Robin, the boy wonder. He looked even sillier without his cape and panties, but they decided to kidnap him anyway and ask for random. After 5 months no one had responded to their demands and Robin proved to be an excellent guitarist. They kept him and moved on to record their first full length "Punching out Reality" released on Forensick music from Slovakia. With Robin came an end to the curse of the guitarist, from which the band was suffering from day one. This guy actually kept up with the shit they fed him. To promote their first opus, a European tour was done in summer 2002 with fellow candy asses Entrails Massacre and Regurgitate. Britney Spears cancelled at the last moment, so they had to do it with these bumholes. After the tour they where featured on the Relapse sampler "Dutch Assault" and recorded a split CD with Grot (uk) (soon to be released by grindethic rec.) and a split 12" with Regurgitate (swe) (out soon on Badger rec)
This year in April 2004, at a John Travolta look-a-like contest they ran into Willem Jan. This high school drop out was looking for a second band, as his other band Hot n' Steamy Monkey Love was to slow for him. They decided to give him a try (and kick in the butt) and see what happens…
Up till this moment lots of releases are planned for the bastards. Some splits are coming your way just as a new full length. Lock in your daughters, cause Suppository is coming in a theater near you this summer. Stay tuned…


Punching Out Reality (Forensick Records 2002)
Dutch Assault (Relapse Records 2003)


Официальный сайт: http://www.suppository.nl/


Цитата | В оффлайне | IP

852 | Дата рег-ции 25 Мая, 2004 | Отправлено: 14:40 - 23 Окт., 2004 1

WWW | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Короче типа ну в общем неплохая группа, одно время(довольно корткое) слушал. Что-то типа грайндкора с нойзовыми заморочками что ли. Сейчас я такое не особо люблю.

I bring pain...

1725 | Дата рег-ции 19 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 16:13 - 23 Окт., 2004 2

Продвинутый металлер
E-mail | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Довольно средняя комманда....даже я бы обозвал ее проходной как по мне.Такой себе грайнд,с вокалистом который что-то вякает двумя голосами(хотя неплохо в принципе),но вот муз.фон меня не впечатлил-как то все не четко и смыто что ли.Короче послушать и забыть!Что-то у них есть от Agathocles.

264 | Дата рег-ции 25 Фев., 2004 | Отправлено: 17:33 - 23 Окт., 2004 3
Heim ins Reich

Аццкий металлер
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
да, безликий какой-то краст-грайнд. не мое, однозначно, я и Агатоклес-то не перевариваю

"В неделю экономь 5 марок - автомобиль тебе в подарок!" © старая реклама народного автомобиля

2925 | Дата рег-ции 28 Сент., 2004 | Отправлено: 20:17 - 23 Окт., 2004 4

WWW | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Верно, правда краста я там не нашёл, хотя давно слушал. Может ошибаюсь. А Агатоклес ваще параша для меня.

I bring pain...

1725 | Дата рег-ции 19 Ноября, 2003 | Отправлено: 20:30 - 23 Окт., 2004 5

Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
А по мне оч даже ничего..... я аж зафанател малец

852 | Дата рег-ции 25 Мая, 2004 | Отправлено: 9:16 - 25 Окт., 2004 6

Металлер со стажем
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Номальная группа, че все накинулись. "Безликая... проходная..." Ну да, не оригинально, но все равно нормально слушается. Да и звукан хороший: все мощно и четко.

550 | Дата рег-ции 16 Июня, 2005 | Отправлено: 21:58 - 30 Ноября, 2005 7

Металлер со стажем
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP

Номальная группа, че все накинулись

+1. Хороший, ненапрягающий грайндкорчик. Не мего, но покатит. 4/5.

(сужу по "Punching Out Reality").

875 | Дата рег-ции 10 Дек., 2005 | Отправлено: 23:38 - 12 Сент., 2006 8
Papa Vader

Старый школяр
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Диск SUPPOSITORY "Punching out.." проехался по ушам, не оставив после себя абсолютно
никаких эмоций. Хотя предполагаю, что это возможно связано с моим предвзятым отношением
к релизам Forensick Records, коих перебывало в моих руках великое множество, но в коллекции
остался только один - SOILS OF FATE. Короче, SUPPOSITORY наваяли слишком проходной
материал для того, чтобы он мог понравиться всем и каждому, но совсем уже законченным
фанатам гринды он может пригодиться для полноты коллекции.

Ем клюкву и не морщусь !!

3800 | Дата рег-ции 22 Апр., 2005 | Отправлено: 12:59 - 13 Сент., 2006 9

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Мне очень понравился сплит с Last Days of Humanity. Очень живенько! Даже мелодично местами.

1 | Дата рег-ции 15 Фев., 2011 | Отправлено: 14:26 - 15 Фев., 2011 10

Форум: Grindcore, Тема: SuppositorY

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