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Информация о группе
Sloth formed in mid 1999 from the ashes of London based riff rock act Godzilla. 'You could make five or six other bands out of people who used to be in Godzilla” says guitarist Roland. “it got to the stage where we had to decide what we really wanted to do, this is a completely new band really, Godzilla was alive for like, six years and we never really started doing anything serious until we killed it and became sloth”. “when i joined Godzilla”, says bassist and newest member will – label manager of Lee Dorrian’s Rise Above label and former guitarist of cult doom metal act Mourn – “they were already tuned down super low and kind of wanting to play the slower stuff. The doom riffs were creeping in to all the new material and we just had to say ‘fuck it, lets play total doom’. We dropped all our material, and started afresh on new songs, so it made sense to form a new band”.

Sloth was officially born in august and played their first show in the september of that year, supporting Spirit Caravan.

In January 2000 the band entered backstage studios (where Iron Monkey’s legacy was committed to tape). With Orange Goblin / Hangnail producer Dave Chang behind the desk, they recorded their first and only demo - 3 tracks of apocalyptic doom that, while tipping their hat to Black Sabbath and sleep do not drown in the sea of pseudo 70’s stoner rock which dominates the current riff rock market. Rather, Sloth’s only aim was to record the heaviest doom & achieve the lowest bottom end possible. All equipment was turned to 11 and this task was truly achieved.

Almost instantly the band entered into negotiations with various labels and set about writing material that would complete their debut album.

The album, ‘The Voice of God’ which was recorded in July 2000, again produced by Dave Chang at backstage, consists of 9 hymns of slow, low and superheavy lysergic doom. Imagine early cathedral crossed with Sleep's "Holy Mountain" and you ain't even close!

Following the album’s release in late 2000 Sloth has toured the UK with the likes of Orange Goblin, Goatsnake, Electric Wizard, Cathedral, Firebird and Bottom.

In July 2002 Vince left the band due to family commitments and was replaced by another former Mourn member Alan French. The new blood instilled a sense of fresh vigour into the band and after a few gigs to break him in, (including shows with Eyehategod, Orange Goblin and a Rise Above showcase in Stockholm with Electric Wizard, Grand Magus and Witchcraft), the band settled down to finally writing album 2 which will be released worldwide on Rise Above Records in early 2004.

William Palmer - bass
Alan French - ?
Gaz - vocals
? - ?

2000: 'The Voice of God' (CD) Eccentric Man / The Music Cartel


Официальный сайт: http://www.the-sloth.com

Vomitous Cannibal

Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Очень люблю эту банду. Весьма удивился, нашедши ихний альбом "The Voice Of God" на горбухе. Собственно, стандартный список вопросов - Хто слышал, как впечатления?

Let the Abyss be my solitary superior
...Not god by chaos hears the prayer
(c) Unearthly Trance

Играет: Pentagram
94 | Дата рег-ции 28 Апр., 2004 | Отправлено: 12:46 - 10 Мая, 2004 1

Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
честно говоря, не понимаю, почему слотх так упорно с визардами сравнивают

927 | Дата рег-ции 19 Фев., 2004 | Отправлено: 12:44 - 11 Мая, 2004 2
Vomitous Cannibal

Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Х\З, по-моему музыка не очень схожая.

Let the Abyss be my solitary superior
...Not god by chaos hears the prayer
(c) Unearthly Trance

94 | Дата рег-ции 28 Апр., 2004 | Отправлено: 13:47 - 11 Мая, 2004 3

Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
наконец-то послушал "The Voice of God" полностью!
странноватая смесь старенького харда, стоунера и дроуна
просто замечательно!

927 | Дата рег-ции 19 Фев., 2004 | Отправлено: 23:52 - 2 Июня, 2004 4

Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
добавил инфу

927 | Дата рег-ции 19 Фев., 2004 | Отправлено: 14:16 - 3 Июня, 2004 5

Фото | E-mail | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Охренительная пластинка  'The Voice of God' трудум/стонер, а вот дроуном там воще помоему не пахнет. А так по стилю очь похоже на поздний  Goatsnake. И еще местами вокал дико похож на молодого Хэтфилда - Крутотень

Pure Rock Fury

116 | Дата рег-ции 2 Июня, 2005 | Отправлено: 17:15 - 13 Июля, 2005 | Исправлено: REVEREND - 13 Июля, 2005 (17:22) 6

Продвинутый металлер
WWW | Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Супер банда! Слушаю просто с упоением. Жирнющие медренные трудум/стонер риффы, великолепный вокал. Местами кажется, что вот вот и начнется стонерроковая веселуха, есть такие моменты. Ну что может быть лучше? Для обязательного прослушивания!

http://www.musictrade.biz - Обмен музыкой.

472 | Дата рег-ции 17 Авг., 2004 | Отправлено: 19:06 - 11 Марта, 2006 7

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