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Информация о группе
Five years ago Gingerpig’s journey started with the preparations for their first album. The grand experiment The Ways of the Gingerpig was built on the conviction that the listener can’t be fooled. Bonebakker and his associates opened up their suitcases and started off with lots of musical luggage and even more ideas and with their first they delivered a loving mix of seventies rock, blues, fusion and (post-) metal. The band had set just one single limit for themselves: making music.

During the course of their search and their wanderings, the musical focus of Gingerpig sharpened. The identity and style of the band ripened fast and the eclectic character of their music matured. This culminated on the album Hidden from View, on which the organic sound and the sincere approach came more to the forefront.

This development has continued on Ghost on the Highway but clearly the boys haven’t found their calm yet. Sure, Gingerpig sounds more weathered, more intense and louder than ever, a very distinct and recognisable loud that works in clear unity with the lyrical content, but the restlessness stays.

Haunted, mean & lean by their musical travels, Gingerpig dispose most of their garnish and fringe on Ghost on the Highway and deliver not only musically but also lyrically a surprising resolute and thunderous rock album.


Boudewijn Bonebakker (guitar, vocals)
Daniele Labbate (bass, 2015-present)
Maarten Poirters (drums),


The Ways of the Gingerpig 2011
Hidden From View             2013
Ghost on the Highway       2015




Old School Rock from NL


Официальный сайт: http://www.facebook.com/GingerpigRock/timeline?ref=page_internal


Аццкий металлер
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
О двух очень вкусных альбомах сабжа я уже писал ранее в обзорной теме, а тут приятная новость - вышел третий полновес !!!

Ghost on the Highway 2015

6626 | Дата рег-ции 6 Июня, 2006 | Отправлено: 23:48 - 22 Фев., 2015 | Исправлено: Maphusail - 22 Фев., 2015 (23:49) 1

Аццкий металлер
Цитата | В оффлайне | IP
Ghost on the Highway - 2015

Об альбоме: http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/gingerpig/ghost_on_the_highway/

Довольно радикальное изменение стилистики в сторону тяжести, риффов, выпуклой, активно играющей ритм-секции. Никаких клавишных дел, то есть некоторый аскетизм по сравнению с предыдущими альбомами. Любопытная и интересная работа!

6626 | Дата рег-ции 6 Июня, 2006 | Отправлено: 21:06 - 25 Фев., 2015 2

Форум: Stoner, Blues Metal, Grunge, Тема: Gingerpig

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