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Информация о группе
SOULDRAINER was born 1998 in a studio as a three man project and recorded the first material 2000. (Johan Klitkou - Vocals, Nils Fjellström - Drums, Marcus Edvardsson - Guitars). The goal was songs of the slower kind but with an attitude and brutality never approached before. The foundation was Death Metal with additional strings and huge church choirs that made it evil and beautiful at the same time in a morbid mixture. It creates a feeling of dying violently in a beautiful way.

Time passed and the songs became more and more popular among the people and the fan base grew. This encouraged SOULDRAINER to plan live gigs and to record even more songs for the public. The three piece band could not make it in a live gig so more musicians was needed. During this time some musicians had already showed their interest in the band and even had new music ideas for SOULDRAINER.

2003 was a turning point for SOULDRAINER. Additional musicians (Daniel Dlimi - Guitars, Joakim Wassberg - Bass) officially joined the band and it took SOULDRAINER to a new existence. Live gigs was made and new songs was written.

2005 the first official release, a three track Mini CD titled First Row In Hell. This MCD was a taste from the upcoming full length debut album Reborn that was finished later. Labels, magazines and concert halls received this recording and the response was huge. Journalists praised it with full scores and labels started to show interest.

The full length album Reborn was finished 2005 before any label laid hands on SOULDRAINER. Nils had less time for SOULDRAINER since it became a live act and was no longer was just a studio project. He needed to put more priority on his other main band and decided to quit. Arttu Malkki entered the drum throne and became a member of SOULDRAINER.

2006 SOULDRAINER inked a deal with Mascot Records and the debut album was released in May 2007.

2007 Debut album REBORN was released in May. Vocalist Johan decided to quit the band

2008 Guitarist Marcus took over the vocals

Marcus Edvardsson - vocals/guitars
Daniel Dlimi - guitars
Jocke Wassberg - bass
Arttu Malkki - drums

Бывшие участники
Johan Klitkou - vocals
Nils Fjellström - drums

Daemon II Daemon - 2002(demo)
Promo 2004 - 2004(demo)
First Row In Hell- 2005(demo)
Reborn - 2007


Melodic Death Metal

Официальный сайт: http://www.souldrainer.com/
MySpace Page: http://www.myspace.com/souldrainer

Black Arrow

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давненько ничего меня не цепляло, а тут вот наткнулась на весьма неплохую группу, имхо
офф.сайт - http://souldrainer.com  
назвали(сь) дэтом

кто слышал, какие впечатления?

246 | Дата рег-ции 23 Фев., 2005 | Отправлено: 23:29 - 4 Янв., 2010 1

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Black Arrow пишет:
назвали(сь) дэтом

Побойся бога - это-ж голимый MDM (Музыка Dля Мягкотелых).
Тема определенно для спец.раздела.

Почему без шапки ???!!!???

Fuck god and fuck you

11096 | Дата рег-ции 20 Апр., 2007 | Отправлено: 19:35 - 6 Янв., 2010 2
Black Arrow

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Побойся бога - это-ж голимый MDM (Музыка Dля Мягкотелых)

что бы это ни было, имхо оно не голимое)
в дэт я не особо разбираюсь, так что спорить не буду, можно перенести в [любой] другой раздел

Почему без шапки ???!!!???

"Мам, там не холодно!"

246 | Дата рег-ции 23 Фев., 2005 | Отправлено: 23:09 - 6 Янв., 2010 | Исправлено: Black Arrow - 6 Янв., 2010 (23:10) 3

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Второй полноформатник с названием "Heaven's Gate" выходит 25 ноября 2011г.

Fuck god and fuck you

11096 | Дата рег-ции 20 Апр., 2007 | Отправлено: 5:37 - 13 Окт., 2011 4

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23 мая 2014г. у команды выходит третий альбом с названием "Architect".

1. Biological Experiments
2. Behind the Face
3. Architect
4. The Release
5. Die or Surrender
6. Turn Your Back
7. For No Other
8. Nightmare Abduction
9. I Am the One
10. Sorgestjäêrna

Fuck god and fuck you

11096 | Дата рег-ции 20 Апр., 2007 | Отправлено: 16:39 - 1 Апр., 2014 5

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